Studying sports at the SFISM
SFISM offers a range of sports science and practice-centred degree programmes and further education courses that are unique in Switzerland. Depending on the educational level and subject chosen, the courses prepare students for roles in performance sport, the leisure industry, club sports, sporting event organizations or for careers as schoolteachers or in academia. SFISM's further education courses, run in some cases jointly with partner organizations, enable students to deepen their specialist knowledge or acquire additional qualifications in a variety of sports science disciplines. CAS and MAS courses, plus one-day or multiple-day courses are offered.
Bachelor of Science EHSM in Sports
The Bachelor of Science SFISM in Sports is the only university of applied sciences degree programme that provides a solid foundation for both professional and academic careers in sport.
Master of Science in Sports with Specialization in Elite Sports
The degree programme combines sports science with performance sport practice and sports management. Interdisciplinary, application-oriented research and development are put into practice in the Swiss elite sports system.
Master of Science in Sports Sciences
The degree programme offers excellent teaching and research conditions in the field of sports sciences. It is offered in collaboration with the University of Fribourg.
Information on advisory services for studying at the SFISM, on combining studies and elite sport, as well as access to Ilias, the learning platform of the SFISM.
Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM
Hauptstrasse 247
2532 Macolin